
* Increases Proper Blood Flow
* May Help To Decrease Blood Pressure
* May Help To Improve A1C Levels
* Herbs Heal, Nourish, Protect, & Strengthen Organs
* Supports Liver, Kidney, Brain, Whole Body
* Improves Overall Health & Wellness
* Increases Vitality, Energy, Strength & Libido
* DopeAF Works According To Your Health Needs

Achyranthes Bidentata


Achyranthes Bidentata is known for promoting circulation, relieving joint pain, and supporting kidney health.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports joint health
♦ Enhances circulation

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Alleviates menstrual discomfort
♦ Supports kidney health

Astragalus Root


Astragalus Root is known for its immune-boosting properties, helping to strengthen the body's defense mechanisms and support overall vitality.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Boosts immune function
♦ Enhances stamina and energy

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports immune health
♦ Improves skin health and vitality

Biota Seeds


Biota Seeds may have calming effects on the mind and body, potentially aiding in stress relief and promoting better sleep.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Reduces stress and anxiety
♦ Promotes restful sleep

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports emotional well-being
♦ Improves sleep quality

Cherokee Rose Hips


Cherokee Rose Hips are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, supporting immune health, improving skin condition, and aiding digestion.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances immune function
♦ Supports digestive health

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Improves skin elasticity and health
♦ Supports reproductive health

Chinese Wolfberry


Chinese Wolfberry (Goji Berry): Packed with antioxidants, supports eye health, boosts the immune system.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports vision health
♦ Enhances immune response

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Promotes skin health
♦ Boosts overall well-being



Cistanche: Enhances vitality, improves kidney function, supports sexual and physical energy, improves blood flow to the pelvic and genital area.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances sexual energy
♦ Supports erectile function

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports reproductive health
♦ Improves blood flow to the pelvic area



Cornus: Supports kidney and liver function, promotes healthy aging.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances kidney function
♦ Supports liver health

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Promotes healthy aging
♦ Supports reproductive health



Cuscuta: Supports reproductive health and libido, supports kidney function.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances libido
♦ Supports reproductive health

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports reproductive health
♦ Enhances libido



Cynomorium: Boosts energy, improves libido, supports kidney and liver function.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances libido
♦ Boosts physical energy

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports reproductive health
♦ Enhances vitality

Dang Gui


Dang Gui supports and improves men’s fertility. As part of a multi-ingredient preparation may treat premature ejaculation. Often used to regulate menstrual cycles, relieve menstrual cramps, and support overall women's health.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances blood circulation
♦ Supports cardiovascular health
♦ Acts as an anti-inflammatory
♦ Alleviates pain in joints and muscles

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦  Supports hormonal balance
♦ Promotes healthy blood flow
♦ Reduces symptoms of PMS (bloating, mood swings, breast tenderness)
♦ Supports postpartum recovery



Epimedium (Horny Goat Weed): Supports libido and sexual function, may have benefits for bone health and vitality.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances sexual performance
♦ Supports bone health

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports sexual health
♦ Promotes bone density



Eucommia also known as “Du Zhong” in Chinese, is a plant containing lignans, steroids, flavonoids, and other compounds Supports bone and joint health, improves vitality.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances joint health
♦ Promotes vitality

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports bone health
♦ Improves vitality

Ginkgo Biloba


Ginkgo Biloba: Supports cognitive function, memory, and circulation.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances cognitive function
♦ Supports circulation

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports memory
♦ Improves circulation



Ginseng: Adaptogenic properties, helps the body adapt to stress, boosts energy levels, supports immune function.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances physical performance
♦ Supports stress resilience

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Reduces menopausal symptoms
♦ Boosts overall energy



Licorice: Soothing properties, supports digestive health, adrenal function, and respiratory health.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports adrenal health
♦ Promotes digestive wellness

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Alleviates PMS symptoms
♦ Supports hormonal balance

Lotus Seed


Lotus Seed: Rich in nutrients, supports heart health, aids in digestion, promotes relaxation.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports cardiovascular health
♦ Promotes relaxation

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances reproductive health
♦ Supports hormonal balance



Milkvetch (Astragalus Root): Similar to Astragalus, boosts immune function, supports overall vitality.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances immune function
♦ Boosts vitality

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports immune health
♦ Promotes overall vitality

Polygala Tenuifolia


Polygala Tenuifolia: Supports cognitive function, memory, mood, and respiratory health.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances cognitive performance
♦ Supports respiratory health

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Improves mood
♦ Enhances memory

Red Raspberry


Red Raspberry contains strong antioxidants such as Vitamin C, E, and A and quercetin which aid in helping your body produce a high level of antioxidants. 

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports prostate health
♦ Enhances immune function
♦ Promotes cardiovascular health
♦ Improves digestive health

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Regulates menstrual cycles, and cramps
♦ Supports reproductive health
♦ Helps manage menopausal symptoms
♦ Promotes healthy pregnancy outcomes

Rehmannia Root


Rehmannia Root: Supports kidney and adrenal health, hormonal balance, and vitality.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Supports adrenal health
♦ Promotes vitality

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Balances hormones
♦ Supports reproductive health

Rhodiola Creplata


Rhodiola Creplata: Helps manage stress, improve mood, and physical performance.

Male Formulation Benefits:
♦ Enhances physical performance
♦ Supports stress management

Female Formulation Benefits:
♦ Reduces stress
♦ Enhances mood and resilience

†Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Product results may vary from person to person. Information provided on this site is solely for informational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Do not use this information for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing of any medications or supplements. Only your healthcare provider should diagnose your healthcare problems and prescribe treatment. None of our statements or information, including health claims, articles, advertising or product information have been evaluated or approved by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The products or ingredients referred to on this site are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Please consult your healthcare provider before starting any supplement, diet or exercise program, before taking any medications or receiving treatment, particularly if you are currently under medical care. Make sure you carefully read all product labeling and packaging prior to use. If you have or suspect you may have a health problem, do not take any supplements without first consulting and obtaining the approval of your healthcare provider.